I Love Stupid: the only sarcastic humor comic ever

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A lot goin' on... but there always is, isn't there

Wow, I am way overdue to put down some words. Here goes.

I've actually posted EIGHT new strips since my last blog post! I won't list them all here since you can just check the archive, but the latest was for Thanksgiving. Speaking of which, I'm thankful for the big election and political hubbub, since they stirred up ideas and time-pressured motivations for me.

So if you've just been checking this home page for signs of life... you have lots to catch up on. Well, lots by my current standards, anyway. In the future I will be certain to update this page whenever I add a new comic strip. And I'll add a big, colorful, easy-to-click button to get you there post-haste.

Sometimes I'll have something to say even if there isn't a new comic. So to those who can handle text even if they're not coming from small cartoon heads: yes, the home page is the blog and not the strip itself for a reason.

Last time (February?!) I suggested the coming of a cast page. That is, in fact, in the works. Same goes for a links page and other experience-enhancing delights. I know, pretty thrilling. For now you can have a ball using the search feature added to both the comic archive and blog archive, thanks to the good people at OhNoRobot.

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