I Love Stupid: the only sarcastic humor comic ever

Friday, March 20, 2009

He who slows my download..., pt. 8: porn fiends

Ned: At last we come to the heavy hitters.  First... porn fiends.

Ned: Before the Web, free porn meant watching a scrambled mess, hoping for any glimpse of nude action.  This required both patience and imagination.
porn fiend: C'mon... Ooh!  Here we go!
porn fiend: Aw man that is weiner.

Ned: Accustomed to erotica being a mouse click away at all times, these poor souls now possess neither.
porn fiend: I can't see it...

Ned: Without broadband smut access, desperate measures might be taken.
porn fiend: Wanna come in?
delivery guy: Not ever.

It's been joked that the Internet is primarily a big porn swap meet. True or not, many would undoubtedly be disappointed by a sudden end to their infinite supply of... mature entertainment.

Yeah, he's got an old TV, complete with dual rabbit-ear antennae, bulky CRT body, and a radically convex screen.

I wonder if anyone will get the subtle reference in the third panel. Hint: great movie about a math super-nerd . Yes, my mind made a connection between porn and advanced math. No, I am not a normal guy.

Start of this series

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

He who slows my download is my enemy, pt. 1

One year ago

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The first dreamer


Monday, February 7, 2011

The case against charity, pt. 2

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