I Love Stupid: the only sarcastic humor comic ever

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Toilet humor: The high-bottom stall, pt. 1

Rob: Bear witness to the high-bottom stall door.
Tim: What pervy knee-looker designed this, and why?  These are the burning questions of our modern age.
Rob: Worthy inquiries, to be sure.  Let us pool our imaginations and brainstorm the myriad possibilities.

stall user: Are... are you guys serious?
Rob: Probably.  We may be here a while, so buckle up.
Tim: And hey... easy on the gas.

It seems the previous strip regarding restrooms struck a chord with a number of readers. Thanks go to Mr. Cates for inspiring this strip with his comment on the last one.

You read that title right: this is but part one. I started scripting in my head, had too many ideas to fit in a single strip, and now it's gonna be a whole thing.

A LITTLE SOMETHING SPICY: For this series, if you write in with an idea I haven't already thought of, I may turn it into a strip. YOU can be a contributing member of the I Love Stupid creative team, if only for one brief, sweet, sweet moment. It'll be the showstopper on your résumé.

One year ago

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The first dreamer


Friday, June 4, 2010

They make my blood boil, pt. 6

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