I Love Stupid: the only sarcastic humor comic ever

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The glorious return, pt. 1

Rob: Home.
Rob: I haven't seen anyone yet.
Rob: I wonder where they all went.

Rob: You can't just go away for a long time and expect everyone to sit around waiting to see you again.
Rob: People have lives of their own.
Rob: They're busy plastering Facebook with babies.

Going more than a year without a strip would've been sad.

I've recently returned to my home town, and to comic-making. Time to find out who still cares.

It's great being able to see friends' babies growing up. Once in a while. We don't need daily updates. There are other things.

One year ago

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The first dreamer


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Know thine audience

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