I Love Stupid: the only sarcastic humor comic ever

Sunday, December 25, 2011

More like pot suck

Rob: Ned.
Ned: Rob.
Rob: We're thinking of having a potluck dinner for Christmas.
Ned: That is asinine.

Rob: Problem?
Ned: Only for those of us with good taste and time that is valuable. Inviting someone to a potluck meal is asking them to squander their day shopping and cooking.
Ned: This yields a poorly-coordinated meal prepared by rank amateurs, an exchange of false compliments for courtesy's sake, and unwarranted confidence that dooms us to repeat the ordeal.

Ned: There exist people trained in the culinary arts. We visit restaurants and pay to benefit from their expertise. Specialization and exchange are the basis of efficient society. Preparing our own meal is tantamount to giving ourselves haircuts.
Rob: I cut my own hair.
Ned: And look as the ladies flock.

Ned: The point is made. How does your potluck dinner sound now?
Rob: Fine, provided we revisit the invitee list.
Ned: Idiots.
Rob: Ass.
Both: Merry Christmas.

You end up with tons of leftovers, which were the least popular dishes. You can either throw them out and be a spoiled first-world ingrate, or suffer the dregs for days. There is no easy option.

One year ago

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The first dreamer


Monday, February 8, 2010

The obligatory iPad comic

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